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Acadian Footprints: The roots & reflections of Gérald (Gerry) Doucet

Acadian Footprints: The roots & reflections of Gérald (Gerry) Doucet

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Auteur : Gérald (Gerry) Doucet

Éditeur : Faye Editions

Date de parution : 2004

ISBN : 9782921824323

Résumé : 

In invite the reader to think back to 1963, the year Dérald Doucet, a young Acadian lawyer, was first elected to the Nova Scotia Legislature. In particular, I would like the reader to reflect on the state of Acadian society.  Acadians had almost no economic clout, virtually no institutions to call their own, apart from the Roman Catholic Church, and few role models outside the clergy, law and medicine. They were hardly present in government and they were severely underrespresented in the workforcce. Very few Acadians owned businesses, and when they did, the businesses were, by and large, geared to the local market and included convenience stores and small one-, two-, or three-person firms in the construction sector. They fished and farmed to supplement their income or to provide food for the household. In short, Acadians were an economically backward people. Gérald Doucet was a product of this environment.

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